
Notes and Action Items


  • Containerized AGW build enablement:
    • Arm PR merge status – Fix for x86 CI job failure 
  1. 4 PRs created to fix x86 CI job failure and artifactory migration - Review pending. Reviewed by shubham. 
  2. Arm CI progress is updated in Devops channel.
  3. Work with code owners for those PRs to get merged.

  • Arm CI Enablement:
    • Decision on CI Infra
    • Containerized AGW build job enablement (Port x86 workflow to Arm)
    • Building and uploading dependent debian packages in magma artifactory on supported kernel versions.
    • srsRAN UE attach test addition in headless mode

Arm CI infra:

  1. Moving forward with AWS runners. AWS have more choice of Kernels and AMIs. Firebase is ruled out for Arm CI.
  2. Tim & Shubham are testing the feasibility of AWS runners.
  3. GHA Self hosted runners are not possible because of security issues. Anybody can use GHA self hosted runners and bring the system down by overloading with PRs.
  4. Tim and Shubham are working on 3.

Porting debian packages to Arm:

  1. Artifactory migration is done. Public keys are changes. Yet to be merged into master.
  2. Building the debian packages with latest library and kernel. No work flow exists as of now in magma. QEMU instance can be used to build these packages in Arm. Scripts have to be run manually to identify the Arm build issues.

srsRAN test in Arm CI:

  1. Devops will not develop test case.
  2. OAI or Arm have to develop and shubham will help in the process of automating it.

S1AP test in Arm CI:

  1. OAI will take over existing S1AP tests and containerized S1AP test once Ramon's patch is merged in master.
  2. Shubham won't be able to automate it in Arm.

Public OAI meeting is planned to discuss all these issues.

  • Manual srsRAN UE attach test update

Manual test passed.  Waiting on Timothee Dzikto merge Arm PR.

-- Magma 1.8 Release blocker item. 4 PRs have to be reviewed. 

  • Magma 1.8 release readiness:
    • Update magma documentation with steps to build and run containerized AGW on Arm with srsRAN tester.
  1. Pre-alpha quality release – No Arm CI and not formally tested.
  2. srsRAN docker image have to be pushed into magma repo.  
  3. Check with Aswin about pushing srsRAN docker image in magma artifactory. Magma artifactory contains only magma related artifacts and not third party components. Shubham's personal account can be used to use srsRAN docker image.
  4. Scope of srsRAN test is restricted to AWS EC2 instance only. Docker image + AMI ID have to be documented.
  5. For srsRAN docker image - Ansible playbook or Docker compose to run docker image have to be chosen. Check with Aswin and Tim on integrating with Magma.
  6. Update the steps to run srsRAN test on 1.8 Readme. Check with documentation team whether magma docasaurus/Read me can be updated with the srsRAN traffic test steps.
    1. Per Tim, docusaurus have to be updated with Arm release information.
  • Update on Bazel ARM readyness

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