

  1. Congrats to the new TSC chair, Jordan Vrtanoski!
  2. How we want new TSC to work. There has been a high level proposal focused on Features, Security and CI/CD. Let’s hear if there are other proposals and vote on this
    1. Idea: spin of working groups, lead by:

      Head / Lead / Volunteer

      Community Transition

    2. next groups:
      1. ineroperability? / integration testing?
  3. How do we plan to engage the community
    1. low hanging fruit - people asking questions in slack. He proposes the TSC to help answer these questions which will help with community engagement. 

    2. Github discussion panel  (, more than 60% are unanswered. Currently unmonitored.

  4. Open issues in Security that we need to address urgently
  5. Open issues in CI/CD that we need to address urgently
  6. Magma Roadmap
  7. Other


  • No labels

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  1. Anonymous

    Invisible Words Now

    Unraveling the Mysteries of Concealed LanguageLanguage, the intricate tapestry woven with words, has taken on new dimensions in the digital era with the emergence of invisible words. Unlike the conventional understanding of words as visible and tangible entities, invisible words operate in the realm of concealment and subtlety. In this exploration, we venture into the intriguing world of invisible words, uncovering their various forms, applications, and the nuanced ways in which they influence written communication.The Paradox of Invisibility:Invisible words, by their very nature, present a paradox within the realm of language. Words are traditionally seen as vessels of meaning, conveying thoughts and ideas through visible symbols. However, invisible words challenge this conventional wisdom, introducing an element of enigma where the words remain present but imperceptible to the naked eye.Whitespace as a Canvas for Concealed Language: One of the fundamental manifestations of invisible words lies in the artful manipulation of whitespace. Rather than relying on visible characters, designers and writers leverage the absence of ink or visible marks to create words that are perceptible only through the spaces they occupy. This application transforms whitespace into a canvas for concealed language, where the absence of visible words becomes a form of expression.Concealed Messages in Digital Watermarking:Invisible words find practical applications in digital watermarking, a technique used to embed information within digital content. Watermarks, often composed of invisible words, become visible only under specific conditions or when viewed with specialized tools. This form of invisible language serves as a subtle, yet effective, means of conveying information without compromising the visual aesthetics of the content.Cryptic Language in Steganography:The practice of steganography, concealing one piece of information within another, extends to the realm of invisible words. In digital images and text, words can be hidden within the existing content, evading casual observation. This technique, while holding legitimate applications in data security, also raises ethical considerations surrounding the potential for covert information transmission.Concealed Typography in Design:Invisible words are not limited to functional applications; they also find expression in the realm of design and artistic expression. Graphic designers often use invisible words to create visually intriguing compositions where text is subtly interwoven with the background. This artful concealment challenges viewers to engage more deeply with the design, uncovering hidden messages or layers of meaning.Dynamic Visibility in Responsive Design:Invisible words take on new dimensions in the context of responsive design, where content adapts to various screen sizes and devices. The visibility of words may change dynamically based on the device or user interaction, creating an interactive and engaging typographic experience. Invisible words become a dynamic element in the responsive design toolkit, contributing to the adaptability and fluidity of digital content.The Silent Presence of Zero-Width Characters:A subset of invisible words, zero-width characters, plays a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and formatting of digital text. These characters, though visually imperceptible, exert influence on the structure of sentences and paragraphs. In the world of programming, for instance, zero-width characters contribute to the precision and readability of code, showcasing how invisible words are silent architects of typographic design.Accessibility Challenges and Inclusive Design:While invisible words offer creative possibilities, they also present challenges in terms of accessibility. Individuals with visual impairments, relying on screen readers, may encounter difficulties in interpreting or conveying the presence of invisible words. Inclusive design practices become essential to ensure that the benefits of invisible words are extended to all users, regardless of their abilities.The Ethical Landscape of Concealed Language:The intentional use of invisible words raises ethical considerations, particularly when it comes to issues of transparency and user experience. Designers and writers must navigate the fine line between creative expression and responsible communication, avoiding deceptive practices that may compromise the clarity and authenticity of written content. Striking a balance between innovative design and ethical considerations becomes paramount in the evolving landscape of concealed language.Future Horizons in Invisible Language:As technology continues to advance, the future of invisible words holds exciting possibilities. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) may introduce new dimensions to the interplay between visible and invisible text, creating immersive language experiences. The dynamic and interactive potential of invisible words may redefine the ways in which we engage with written language in the digital realm.Invisible words, with their paradoxical nature, add a layer of intrigue and complexity to the world of language. From whitespace as a canvas for concealed language to the artful concealment in design, invisible words challenge our preconceptions about the visual nature of written communication. As we navigate this enigmatic landscape of unseen characters, we recognize that invisible words are not merely a novelty but a dynamic element shaping the evolution of language expression in the digital age.

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